julie hordyk

I am a native Grand Rapidian who transplanted to Grand Haven in 2000. I’m “of an age” to remember Scholastic Book reading competitions, and they fueled my passion for reading and writing. (My somewhat competitive nature may have played a role, but surely that’s secondary.) I am a dedicated and reasonably fearless foodie. As a result, my family and friends never get the same meal twice on Thanksgiving, a fact that still baffles many people. I adore music and love to play the piano. Personally, I think music is a language all its own, and that makes me bilingual!

get to know julie hordyk

Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I’m 100% a cat lover. Let’s face it…dogs are messy. They demand daily walks. Even in the cold. Even in the dark. Nope, I’m not down for that. My tuxedo sibling fur babies are friendly, tidy and prefer heated floors to howling winds. They are my kind of pets!

What’s your favorite food?
Honestly? It’s one I’ve yet to try. I can’t pick a favorite. That’s like trying to choose a favorite child. I get downright geeky when Restaurant Week rolls around. And yes, we look up Flavor Town restaurants everywhere we go.

Do you like sports?
I wish I did. Sports don’t like me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “You’re so tall! You should play basketball.” Regrettably, God didn’t gift me that way. My brothers got the basketball gene. Golf was the lowest grade I got at Calvin. I’ve accepted my fate and now enjoy biking and hiking.