Scott Allen CreatiVLOG Ep 5 | Create a Marketing Plan Based on Limits

Priority. Every nonprofit marketing and development team we’ve met has felt the pressure of achieving big goals with limited resources. You might not have enough time, talent or budget. So how do you prioritize what you have to work with? It can be helpful to define three tiers when prioritizing your needs:  Tier 1 What […]

Scott Allen CreatiVLOG Ep 4 | Creating a Marketing Plan: Step 2

As we continue to discuss marketing plans, check out Step 1, in case you missed it earlier. Step 2: Prioritize You only have so much energy, time, and budget. So how do you prioritize your marketing initiatives for this year? When your resources are limited, it’s critical to create a tiered list based on what […]

Scott Allen CreatiVLOG Ep 3 | Creating a Marketing Plan: Step 1

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” – Benjamin Franklin The new calendar year is almost upon us. (Wait, what?! You don’t say!) This means creating and implementing new goals, habits, and/or ideals for many people. Despite only an 8% success rate in achieving those goals that they set for the new […]

Scott Allen CreatiVLOG Ep 2 | Passion in Marketing

Passion. For nonprofit development and marketing professionals, the center of our conversation is often: “How can we get and retain more donors?” It’s our job to find answers to this question. If we seek to be genuine in this quest, we discover that passion is a powerful driving force. Passion attracts. Passion inspires. Shared passion […]

Scott Allen CreatiVLOG Ep 1 | Who Are We

Do you work for a nonprofit? Are you on a marketing or development team? Do you like gaining insight? We are launching a brand new video series called the Scott Allen CreatiVLOG.  These are short videos, unscripted, that provide one “golden nugget” of marketing insight per episode. Being in marketing or development for a nonprofit […]